The Locals
ELISABETA RIZEA (1912 – 2003) “I’m like a mask now, ma’am, from the agonies I’ve endured and the wickedness I’ve harbored. That’s how it is. A
The mountain “scovergi” recipe
‘Scoverga’ is a kind of pie made from (leavened) dough, fried in fat (and filled with cheese, curd, etc.). This is easy to make and absolutely delicious. In the past, m
Cozonaci (sweet bread) Day – The recipe that never fails
Probably each of us remembers, and if not, what a pity, the day of preparing the Christmas cookies… The grandmother, the chief general of the war of the ‘cozonaci’
Lenten cookies: Jam and walnut cookies recipe
For the child in me, the winter holidays represent not only gifts and Santa Claus, but the entire holiday period spent in the country, especially the week before Christmas, the one
Memories with the aroma of grandmother’s cakes
Memories often come to my memory through smell… fresh, clean, almond-essence smell, although at that time I don’t know if I had tasted fresh almonds, the smell of a cak
Mountain people: Doru
Doru is an artist. An artist whose eyes smile and whose heart warms every time his hands work. I have never seen a man who worked with such joy before! He is the last of several ge
Corbii de Piatra, the Church carved in the rock
The winding road from Domnești to Nucșoara hides many destinations with interesting stories. After areas of ramshackle houses, meadows with waist-high grass and flowers, you come
Lake Invartita and the dragon from the depths
Up on the hill, hidden between traditional houses and surrounded by centuries-old trees, Lake Invartita or Nucșoara reflects the tranquility and beauty of a place as if taken from
The shortest route to Moldoveanu Peak
Stâna lui Burnei – Valea Rea – Căldarea Văii Rele: 1,5 hours Căldarea Văii Rele – Iezerul Moldoveanului – Portița Viștei: 30 minutes Portița V